Deutsche Gemmologische Gesellschaft e.V.
Prof.-Schlossmacher-Str. 1
D-55743 Idar-Oberstein
Single week enrollment for those who wish to concentrate on a special subject within the Coloured Stones Programme. Please mind that G1 and G2 have to be completed before choosing any of the other courses G3-G10. Please mind that G11 can only be visited after completion of G1-G10. Please mind that G12 can only be taken part in after completion of G1-G11.
Consisting of 11 single weeks (G 1-G 11) plus three days exam (G 12). Includes a 10 % discount of the total fee for G 1-G12. details...
General definitions, formation, properties and features as well as application of gemstones. details...
Structural, chemical and physical properties of gemstones and basis of investigation methods. details...
Practical use of gemmological testing instruments. details...
Practical identification of gemstones and imitations. details...
Occurrences, properties, identification, synthetics and imitations as well as treatment of ruby and sapphire. details...
Occurrences, properties, identification, synthetics and imitations as well as treatment of emerald and other beryl varieties. details...
Occurrences, properties, identification, synthetics and imitations as well as treatment of diamond, chrysoberyl, spinel, quartz and opal. details...
Occurrences, properties, identification, imitations and treatment of peridot, garnet, zircon, topaz, zoisite, tourmaline, spodumene, etc. details...
Properties, identification, imitations and treatment of turquoise, jade, lapis lazuli, feldspar, quartz etc., methods and practical identification of mounted gemstones. details...
Criteria of gemstone evaluation and types of workmanship around gemstones. details...
Preparation of written gemstone reports, nomenclature, theoretical and practical preparation for the coloured stones final exam. details...
Coloured Stones final exam. details...